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Class Gobits

Gobits is the object that acts as an HTTP client. The default behavior can be configured using the global options when constructing the object.

const gobits = new Gobits({
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
timeout: 5000,
useDefaultMiddlewares: true,


  • Gobits




  • new Gobits(__namedParameters?: { baseUrl: undefined | string; timeout: undefined | number; type: undefined | string; useDefaultMiddlewares: undefined | boolean }): Gobits
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { baseUrl: undefined | string; timeout: undefined | number; type: undefined | string; useDefaultMiddlewares: undefined | boolean } = {}
      • baseUrl: undefined | string
      • timeout: undefined | number
      • type: undefined | string
      • useDefaultMiddlewares: undefined | boolean

    Returns Gobits




middlewares: Middleware[] = []



  • Send a DELETE request to the given url with the given options

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Send a GET request to the given url with the given options

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Send a PATCH request to the given url with the given options

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Send a POST request to the given url with the given options

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Send a PUT request to the given url with the given options

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Make a request to the given url with the given options.

    Type parameters

    • T = any

      the type of the response body, default is any


    • url: string

      the url to be requested. If the url starts with '/', it will be appended to the base url

    • method: RequestMethod = 'GET'

      the method to be used, default is GET

    • opts: RequestOptions = {}

      the options to make the request (see RequestOptions)

    Returns Promise<Response<null | T>>

    a Promise that resolves to a Gobits Response object


  • Add a middleware to the request and response pipeline


    • middleware: Middleware

      the middleware to be added

    Returns Gobits

    the Gobits instance to allow chaining

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